среда19 февраля 2025

Ученые предупреждают: Африка может разделиться из-за разлома. Это вызывает серьезные опасения.

Процесс разделения Африки на две части начался миллионы лет назад.
Ученые предупреждают: Африка может разделиться из-за разлома. Это вызывает серьезные опасения.

Africa could split into two parts along a crack measuring over 3200 kilometers. The East African Rift is expanding at a faster rate than scientists had anticipated.

This information was reported by Bild. Geophysicists note that the process, which began millions of years ago, is accelerating due to tectonic plate activity. The movement of tectonic plates and the Earth's crust is linked to the magma flows beneath them.

The first signs of the rift appeared in 2005 in Ethiopia, when a crack over 50 kilometers long formed. A similar event occurred in Kenya in 2018.

Previously, scientists estimated that it would take between 5 to 10 million years for Africa to split into two parts. However, according to recent data, this may happen much sooner.

If this occurs, a portion of East Africa, particularly Somalia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and parts of Kenya, could form a massive island near the continent.

According to geophysicist Cynthia Ebinger from Tulane University, the rift is widening by 0.8-2.5 cm per year, but the process may accelerate due to earthquakes.

As reported earlier by "Telegraph," three powerful earthquakes occurred in one of the states in the USA.