Thursday13 March 2025

Decommunization in Mykolaiv: the Soviet star on the city’s central stele has been painted over.

In the heart of Mykolaiv, on Flotsky Boulevard, an unknown individual painted over the Soviet star in red on the monument dedicated to the "Heroes of Socialist Labor of Mykolaiv."
Декоммунизация в Николаеве: на стеле в центре города закрасили советскую звезду.
Декоммунизация по-николаевски: на стеле в центре города советскую звезду закрасили краской

In the center of Mykolaiv, on Flotsky Boulevard, an unknown individual painted over the Soviet star on the stele "Heroes of Socialist Labor of Mykolaiv Region" with red paint.

This was reported to "Novosti-N" by readers.

It should be noted that only the star depicting the Soviet emblem was painted over. This was done in a makeshift manner—now the monument simply has a red blot, with no civilized methods used for dismantling or concealing the symbolism on the object.