The police and the Security Service of Ukraine have uncovered a group of individuals who were recruited by enemy intelligence services and were preparing a series of terrorist attacks. This was reported on January 30 by the press service of the Odessa region police.
Last week, a 54-year-old resident of Odessa was murdered. While investigating this case, law enforcement officials tracked down an agent group. According to the investigation, the suspects received a promise of money from the enemy for the terrorist act. They planted explosives near a private home and set fire to the owner's car, which was parked nearby.
When the man noticed the fire, he exited his house to extinguish the flames. At that moment, an explosion occurred, and the owner died on the spot from his injuries.
1Authorities established that four locals aged 23 to 46 were involved in the crime. The oldest man had previously been convicted for theft and robbery, while the others struggled with drug addiction.
2The group was apprehended while preparing a series of other terrorist attacks. In particular, the suspects intended to detonate explosives near a police district department, luring employees there. The plan was similar — the explosion was to be preceded by the arson of several service vehicles.
"Mobile phones containing evidence, one explosive device disguised as a fire extinguisher, and other items of interest to the investigation were seized from the suspects," the police reported.
3 4All four accomplices were detained. They were informed of the suspicion of committing a terrorist act that resulted in a person's death. Currently, the recruited agents are being held in custody by court order, facing life imprisonment with asset confiscation.
The Security Service of Ukraine clarified that in preparation for the explosion at the police department, the suspects settled nearby and purchased four canisters of gasoline. The explosives, disguised as a fire extinguisher, were kept in a pre-prepared hideout.
5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4The man they killed was a volunteer. The terrorist act occurred on January 20, and the explosives were hidden in a backpack. According to the investigation, the oldest member of the group, who is a repeat offender, acted separately from the others. He was responsible for making the explosives and placing them in hideouts.
5It is worth noting that Stanislav Ignatiev, the chairman of the Ukrainian Renewable Energy Association, predicted a new wave of power outages in Ukraine.
Schoolchildren in Kyiv were playing "in TCK," and one student nearly broke his nose. Parents have been urged to talk to their children about the consequences of dangerous games.