Thursday13 March 2025

Ukrainian forces reportedly blew up weapon depots and a chemical plant in Bryansk, according to Telegram channels.

During the strike, American ATACMS were likely used.
ВСУ уничтожили склады с оружием и химический завод в Брянске, согласно сообщениям в телеграм-каналах.

Russian Telegram channels report that on Monday evening, Ukrainian forces launched a missile strike on the Bryansk chemical plant located in the city of Seltso, Bryansk region.

According to some channels, American ATACMS ballistic missiles were used during the strike.

Social media has seen videos where explosions can be heard and flashes are visible over the city.

The channel Mash claims that "the debris from the downed missile fell onto the plant's territory." This information is also confirmed by Shot.

Furthermore, according to Mash, "the debris from the Ukrainian HIMARS missile fell on the territory of the 'Kremniy' plant in Bryansk." This facility produces microelectronics and is one of the largest in this sector in Russia.

The local authorities have yet to comment on the reports of the shelling of the Bryansk chemical plant and the 'Kremniy' plant.

On Monday evening, Bryansk region governor Alexander Bogomaz confirmed that Ukrainian forces "made a massive attempt to carry out a combined missile strike on the territory of Bryansk region."

Bogomaz asserts that "the air defense forces of the Ministry of Defense of Russia destroyed all targets" and that "according to preliminary data, there are no casualties."

The Bryansk chemical plant named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR is located in Seltso. The publication states that this facility, among other things, conducts repairs on missiles for various rocket artillery systems: "Uragan," "Grad," "Tornado."