During 2024, Ukrainians purchased over 222.1 thousand used cars imported from abroad. This marks a 4% increase compared to the previous year.
This is reported by the association "Ukravtoprom."
It is noted that this accounts for more than ¾ of all passenger cars that joined the domestic fleet last year. The average age of used cars that were registered in Ukraine in 2024 was 9 years.
The largest share in this market segment belonged to gasoline vehicles – 47%.
The following segments were next: diesel – 25%; electric vehicles – 18%; cars with gas equipment and hybrids – each 5%.
The leader among imported used cars remains the Volkswagen Golf.
The top 10 most popular models included:
Background. Previously, Mind reported that in August 2024, nearly 5200 used passenger cars from the USA were registered in Ukraine. Thus, one in five used cars that received Ukrainian plates that month was of American origin.