Friday14 March 2025

A fine is imposed for violating language laws: find out how much it is and who will be responsible for the payment.

A fine is imposed for violating the language law: how much it is and who will be responsible for paying it.
За нарушение языкового закона предусмотрен штраф: кто его оплатит и в каком размере?
За нарушение языкового закона полагается штраф: сколько и кто будет платить

A fine is imposed for violating the language law: how much and who will pay

The penalty for violating the language law will be 3,400 hryvnias.

This was announced by the language ombudsman Taras Kremin during the "Ranok.LIVE" broadcast.

The ombudsman emphasized that strict penalties for violators are part of the program for "active Ukrainization."

- "Active Ukrainization" involves strict punishment for violators of the language law. It doesn’t matter whether these are officials, local entrepreneurs, or owners of online resources who do not know the Ukrainian language, lack a homepage in Ukrainian, or continue to publish printed media in a non-state language, - said Kremin.

He stated that this program aims to protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens, who should receive services and information in the Ukrainian language.

- First and foremost, it is about safeguarding the constitutional rights of Ukrainian citizens to receive information and services in the state language. Therefore, regarding violators, we have the tools, as provided by current legislation. The law is written in such a way that in the case of a first violation, we must issue a warning, and in the case of a second violation of the language law under a specific article, whether it is 30, 25, or 27 – it does not matter. Signs, announcements, external advertising in service sectors – we impose fines of 3,400 hryvnias, - the language ombudsman explained.

Additionally, he reported a decrease in the number of complaints regarding violations of the language law, as well as progress in cooperation with local authorities.

- Compared to last year, the number of inquiries and complaints directed to us has decreased. This is because we have truly managed to establish close cooperation with local authorities. Just recently, almost all communities in the Cherkasy region have approved 66 local language programs. We are also seeing successes in Transcarpathia, Mykolaiv, Odesa, and Kherson regions. In Sumy, the local language program is about to be approved, - Kremin noted.

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