Wednesday19 February 2025

In Poland, parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will face fines.

In February, Poland's Chief Sanitary Inspectorate will launch a comprehensive inspection of mandatory vaccination cards for children and adolescents. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will face significant fines.
В Польше родителям, не вакцинирующим детей, будут назначать штрафы.

In February, the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate of Poland will begin a large-scale inspection of mandatory vaccination cards for children and adolescents. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will face significant fines.

This was reported by RBK-Ukraine citing the information portal "In Poland".

It is stated that the control will cover approximately 10,000 vaccination points. They plan to gather data on vaccinations for around 7.5 million individuals under the age of 19.

The purpose of the inspection is to create electronic vaccination cards, which should enhance vaccination record-keeping. Currently, the system only tracks the list of unvaccinated children, but there is no way to verify what each child has been vaccinated against.

Parents who do not vaccinate their children may be fined: initially 500 zlotys, and in the case of continued refusal, up to several thousand. The maximum fine for one parent could reach 50,000 zlotys.

According to Chief Sanitary Inspector Pawel Grzesiowski, deficiencies in the current vaccination system were identified in a report by the Supreme Audit Office. Legislative work to implement a new system is already underway.

Recall that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine plans to use combined vaccines for immunizations according to the National Vaccination Calendar. To implement this step, corresponding changes need to be made. RBK-Ukraine, what and why they plan to change.

We also discussed which vaccinations are mandatory for children and adults. In our country, a vaccination calendar has been approved. However, most diseases in this schedule mainly concern children, as they pose the greatest threat to this age group.