How much does it cost to treat influenza and ARVI in Mykolaiv: prices in pharmacies
It’s autumn outside - the weather is unpredictable: sometimes it’s cold and damp, other times it’s hot but windy. During this time, it’s very easy to catch a cold or contract the flu. The reporters from “Novosti-N” decided to find out how much it costs to treat influenza and ARVI in Mykolaiv. To do this, we consulted a therapist and received a list of medications that the doctor typically prescribes to patients with ARVI symptoms.
The doctor compiled a list of the 10 most popular medications for us:
1. “Paracetamol”;
2. “Ibuprofen”;
3. Vitamin C;
4. “Groprinosin”;
5. “Amiksin”;
6. “Sinupret”;
7. “Bronchostop”;
8. “ACC”;
9. “Nazivin”;
10. “Vibrocil”.
The doctor explained why she chose these specific medications. “Paracetamol” and “Ibuprofen” are prescribed to alleviate fever and pain symptoms during colds and flu, acting as antipyretics. These medications are recommended to be alternated if the fever is difficult to control. Vitamin C is prescribed to support the body during illnesses. “Groprinosin” and “Amiksin” can be taken based on preference; both are immune stimulants. “Sinupret” is prescribed for cold-related illnesses, as it reduces tissue swelling and suppresses the reproduction of respiratory viruses. “Bronchostop” is used to treat inflammatory respiratory diseases accompanied by cough and difficulty expelling thick mucus or to relieve dry cough, while “ACC” is prescribed for wet coughs where mucus needs to be expelled from the lungs. “Nazivin” and “Vibrocil” are drops used to ease breathing during nasal congestion. You can choose one type of drops or combine them during treatment.
With this list, our reporters visited six popular chain pharmacies in Mykolaiv and found out the price for one package of each medication, taking packages with the minimum number of tablets as an example. This course should be sufficient to treat one adult person for influenza or ARVI.
“Wholesale Pharmacy” - Paracetamol 10 tablets – 42.70 UAH, Ibuprofen 50 tablets – 109 UAH, Vitamin C 10 tablets – 40.50 UAH, Groprinosin was not available, we were offered its analogue Groprivirin 20 tablets – 248.60 UAH, Amiksin 3 tablets – 292.60 UAH, Sinupret 50 tablets – 391.60 UAH, Bronchostop 20 tablets – 345.60 UAH, ACC 600 mg 10 tablets – 380 UAH. Nazivin drops – 211.60 UAH and Vibrocil drops – 186.10 UAH. The pharmacy also noted that some medications from this list could be replaced with cheaper alternatives.
“Warehouse Pharmacy” - Paracetamol 10 tablets – 44 UAH, Ibuprofen 50 tablets – 89.70 UAH, Vitamin C is available only in a 12-tablet package priced at – 19.50 UAH, Groprinosin 20 tablets – 288.10 UAH, Amiksin 3 tablets – 266.50 UAH, Sinupret 50 tablets – 392.50 UAH, Bronchostop was not available in this pharmacy, but there are analogues like Broncho Veda for 24 tablets – 120 UAH, ACC 600 mg 10 tablets – 400.40 UAH. Nazivin drops – 208 UAH and Vibrocil drops – 188.60 UAH.
Pharmacy “Kopeyka” - Paracetamol 10 tablets – 35.40 UAH, Ibuprofen 50 tablets – 82.20 UAH, Vitamin C is available only in a 30-tablet package priced at – 50 UAH, Groprinosin 20 tablets – 287.39 UAH, Amiksin 3 tablets – 266 UAH, Sinupret 50 tablets – 352 UAH, Bronchostop 20 tablets – 316 UAH, ACC 600 mg 10 tablets – 343 UAH. Nazivin drops – 120 UAH and Vibrocil drops – 167 UAH.
Pharmacy “Medpreparaty” - Paracetamol 10 tablets – 36.40 UAH, Ibuprofen 50 tablets – 82.20 UAH, Vitamin C is available only in a 30-tablet package priced at – 65 UAH, Groprinosin 20 tablets – 303.80 UAH, Amiksin 3 tablets – 253 UAH, Sinupret 50 tablets – 352 UAH, Bronchostop 20 tablets – 302 UAH, ACC 600 mg 10 tablets – 325 UAH. Nazivin drops – 113 UAH and Vibrocil drops – 159 UAH.
“Low Prices Pharmacy” - Paracetamol 10 tablets – 35.90 UAH, Ibuprofen 50 tablets – 82 UAH, Vitamin C 10 tablets – 19 UAH, Groprinosin 20 tablets – 304 UAH, Amiksin 3 tablets – 255 UAH, Sinupret 50 tablets – 350 UAH, Bronchostop 20 tablets – 300 UAH, ACC 600 mg 10 tablets – 332 UAH. Nazivin drops – 113 UAH and Vibrocil drops – 157 UAH.
Pharmacy “Wishing Health” - Paracetamol 10 tablets – 45 UAH, Ibuprofen 50 tablets – 111 UAH, Vitamin C is available only in a 12-tablet package priced at – 15 UAH, Groprinosin 20 tablets – 306.90 UAH, Amiksin 3 tablets – 254.90 UAH, Sinupret 50 tablets – 353 UAH, Bronchostop 20 tablets was not available in this pharmacy, but their website lists the price of this medication as – 256.60 UAH, ACC 600 mg 10 tablets – 300 UAH. Nazivin drops – 115 UAH and Vibrocil drops – 161 UAH.
To summarize, let’s assume we decided to purchase the following medications for treatment: Paracetamol and Ibuprofen to alternate their use, Vitamin C and Groprinosin, Sinupret, Bronchostop, and Nazivin. Therefore, in the “Wholesale Pharmacy” we will pay for the medications - 1389.60 UAH, “Warehouse Pharmacy” - 1161.80 UAH, pharmacy “Kopeyka” - 1242.99 UAH, pharmacy “Medpreparaty” - 1254.4 UAH, “Low Prices Pharmacy” - 1203.90 UAH, Pharmacy “Wishing Health” - 1202.50 UAH.
Thus, even with a minimal set of medications, it’s impossible to spend less than a thousand UAH. Naturally, in addition to medications, one should also include the recommended abundant hydration and rest in the case of ARVI and influenza.
From our research, it’s evident that prices for the same medications can vary significantly across different pharmacies. For instance, the price for 10 tablets of ACC can be 300 UAH in one place, while another chain sells them for 380 UAH. Therefore, if residents of Mykolaiv want to save money, they will need to monitor medication prices online and purchase medicines not from just one, but from three or even five different pharmacies.
It’s also worth noting that a pharmacist from one of the pharmacies informed our reporter that the prices of medications are changing very quickly at the moment – “right now the price is one thing, and in five minutes it’s another.” Thus, it’s necessary to monitor prices right before purchasing the medications.
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