Wednesday19 February 2025

Crossed the century mark: former UPA liaison Angelina Palamar has passed away, according to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

The woman endured a difficult life, as she witnessed the Russians kill Angelina's father and brother. At the age of 15, she joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), but two years later, Angelina was captured by the Bolsheviks and subjected to torture.
Ушла из жизни Ангелина Паламар, бывшая связная УПА, преодолевшая столетний рубеж, сообщает ГУР.

At the age of 101, the remarkable liaison officer of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Angelina Emelyanovna Palamar, passed away. She was a scout during the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in the 20th century. This was reported by Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

He shared that Angelina and her family endured much suffering due to the Russians. Initially, the Chekists killed her father and brother in their yard. After that, at the age of 15, she joined the UPA and became a liaison under the pseudonym "Orysia." Two years later, she was captured by the Bolsheviks.

"Angelina Emelyanovna endured the harsh conditions of Bolshevik detention — she spent over fifteen years in the camps of the punitive Russian-Soviet system. She persevered, kept her faith in Ukraine and her love for it in her heart, witnessed the restoration of the independence of the state for which she fought, and raised children and grandchildren," — added Kyrylo Budanov.

The head of the GUR expressed his heartfelt condolences to Angelina Palamar's family and loved ones.

We remind you that in November 2024, on the occasion of "Orysia's" birthday, Kyrylo Budanov awarded her with a medal from the GUR MO. At that time, the fighters of the special unit "Aratta" and the spokesperson of the directorate, Andriy Yusov, presented the woman with a letter of appreciation and the GUR MO award — the medal "Ukraine Above All!" Additionally, she was gifted a new television.