Friday14 March 2025

Pensions in November: Which Ukrainians will receive nearly 600 hryvnias more?

Legislation provides for an age-related supplement under certain conditions. However, it is crucial that the pension does not exceed 10,340.35 UAH.
Пенсии в ноябре: какие украинцы получат прибавку почти 600 гривен.

In November 2024, Ukrainian retirees may receive significant payments due to the introduction of age-related supplements. Specifically, the payments will increase for those retirees who turn 70, 75, and 80 years old within the month. This is outlined in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 168 dated February 24, 2023.

According to the document, the following individuals are eligible for the age supplement:

  • Individuals who turn 70 years old, until they reach the age of 75 — up to 300 UAH;
  • Individuals who turn 75 years old, until they reach the age of 80 — up to 456 UAH;
  • Individuals who are 80 years old and older — up to 570 UAH.

However, retirees will receive the supplement only if their pension does not exceed 10,340.35 UAH.

Additionally, certain categories of retirees will receive increased financial assistance from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). These funds are allocated to retirees living in areas of active or potential combat operations (the list of which is defined by the order of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine dated December 22, 2022, No. 309 "On Approval of the List of Territories Where Combat Operations Are (Were) Conducted or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation").

The amount of the additional payment from the UN will equal the difference between 3,250 UAH and the pension amount received by the individual.

Additional financial assistance is provided to retirees who:

  • receive a pension of less than 3,250 UAH;
  • live in areas of active or potential combat operations (the list is defined by Order No. 309);
  • have not received additional financial payments from international organizations and/or assistance for internally displaced persons after March 1, 2023.

However, the payment will cease if the retiree no longer meets one of the established requirements.

It is worth noting that in 2025, pensions may increase by more than 10%. However, some may have their pension payments suspended.