Wednesday19 February 2025

Pruning of the plane trees on Sobornaya in Mykolaiv: an arborist warns that the trees could die within 1 to 3 years.

Pruning of plane trees on Soborna Street in Mykolaiv: trees may die within 1-3 years, according to an arborist expert.
Специалист-арборист предупреждает: обрезка платанов на Соборной в Николаеве может привести к гибели деревьев в течение 1-3 лет.
Обрезка платанов на Соборной в Николаеве: деревья могут погибнуть через 1-3 года, - специалист-арборист

Pruning of plane trees on Sobornaya Street in Mykolaiv: trees may die within 1-3 years, - arborist expert

The State Environmental Inspectorate of the southwestern district received a report from arborist specialist Vladimir Vetrogadskiy regarding the tree pruning situation on Sobornaya Street in Mykolaiv.

According to the report, crown thinning (deep rejuvenation, topping) was performed on the species of plane tree known as Platanus acerifolia.

This type of pruning typically leads to irreversible consequences, specifically:

- partial death of the root system;

- significant weakening of the tree;

- high risk of the entire tree dying within 1-3 years;

- when regrowth occurs, a large number of water shoots may form on the large cuts of the tree, which have poor attachment to the trunk;

- formation of complex-shaped wounds, which, without re-pruning and thorough treatment, become gateways for wood infections, turning into top cavities.

“A tree pruned to the stump or at the base (branch arms) is considered damaged to the point of halting growth. Such actions regarding dendroflora are assessed as violations of Ukrainian legislation,” the state eco-inspection stated.

The State Environmental Inspectorate also published photos highlighting the difference between proper pruning of plane trees and the type of crown thinning that could lead to the tree's death.

Обрезка платанов на Соборной в Николаеве: деревья могут погибнуть через 1-3 года, - специалист-арборист

Green lines indicate an example of formative pruning (up to 10-15% of the crown's peripheral volume), which is permissible for plane trees and ensures longevity and healthy development of the tree.

The green stripe represents an acceptable zone for performing formative crown pruning (up to 10-15%). Branches of the last order.

The blue stripe indicates an acceptable zone for shortening the crown branches (up to 30%).

The red stripe marks the zone for branching of the branch arms. Shortening in this area usually leads to irreversible consequences (formation of cavities, necrosis of the bark, development of a secondary chaotic branched crown). Work in this area should only be performed in justified cases (breakage of branches, critical bark necrosis, presence of malignant stumps, drying of large parts of the tree).

The black stripe marks the zone for branching of branch arms and the trunk. Shortening in this area often leads to critical consequences for the tree. Work in this zone must be strictly justified (usually this involves remedial measures for cavities, necroses, and splits, stabilization measures for branch splits, removal of foreign inclusions, removal of breakages. In justified cases, work in this area should be carried out only by specialists with practical positive results from such measures).

“For further care of the Platanus acerifolia trees, minimal sanitary pruning (removal of dry and broken branches) should be conducted, as well as formative pruning (shortening up to 10-15% of the crown volume), to remove dry branches and shorten those conflicting with buildings and structures,” the report stated.

The scandal over the pruning of plane trees on Sobornaya Street lasted the entire week. Activists and eco-inspection staff opposed the crown thinning, calling it intentional destruction of the plane trees. Employees of the KP "Mykolaiv Parks" claimed they were conducting pruning according to their approved plan. The police, called to the scene, intervened in the conflict, and regional council deputy Alla Ryazhskikh also arrived.

A meeting of the deputy commission also took place in the regional council.

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