I would like to say a few words in defense of Ukrainians and their right to send packages to one another without additional costs and to receive necessary support during wartime!
The main saboteur of Ukraine's economy during the war, a representative of the people from the "Servant of the People" party, Daniil Getmantsev, has introduced a draft law on taxing packages with VAT.
"The draft law proposes to establish that:
To facilitate VAT administration and speed up the customs clearance of packages, it is proposed to:
All this is good, and euro-integration is good, but there are several "buts":
Let me remind you that…
The average salary:
The average household income:
The savings rate:
How can we mindlessly copy EU norms for Ukraine?
Let’s move on.
For instance, the Mayor's Office of London, when making decisions that affect the quality of life for London residents (which is almost all decisions), commissions three analytical centers to conduct an analysis. Then, in a public discussion, the right option is selected.
Show me (all Ukrainians) the economic justification that citizens will benefit from this change!
It is no secret that a large part of the components for hundreds of drone and other technology manufacturers is received by mail.
In other words, our government, during the war and amid underfunding of the defense industry and lack of real support for private manufacturers, wants to kill this sector too?
Who benefits here, apart from the aggressor country?
In the USA, there is such a system:
Why do we choose the worst option from all possible ones, creating risks for our defense capability, worsening the quality of life for citizens, and being completely untimely?
The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the position of the editorial staff. The author is responsible for the published data in the "Opinions" section.