Monday20 January 2025

Residents of Mykolaiv were advised on how to ensure their homes stay warm and illuminated during the freezing temperatures.

Residents of Mykolaiv were informed about what to do to ensure their homes remain illuminated during freezing temperatures.
Николаевцам объяснили, как обеспечить электричество в домах в холодные зимние дни.
Николаевцам рассказали, что делать, чтобы в домах был свет во время морозов

Residents of Mykolaiv have been informed about what to do to ensure there is light in their homes during frosty weather

In the coming days, Ukraine is expected to experience a noticeable drop in temperature. This means it’s necessary to once again remind everyone of the importance of energy conservation.

This is mentioned in a statement released by “Mykolaivoblenergo”.

The Ukrainian energy system is still recovering from 13 massive enemy attacks last year. Additionally, energy consumption tends to increase significantly during cold weather. To avoid potential electricity shortages, it’s important to follow these simple recommendations:

  • Avoid using multiple high-power appliances simultaneously during peak morning and evening hours..
  • Turn off unnecessary lighting at home and at work. This will not only reduce the overall energy consumption in the country but also save you money.
  • Unplug devices that you are not using. Even in standby mode, household appliances consume a significant amount of electricity.
  • Boil only the amount of water you need in the electric kettle. This is faster, more economical, and healthier, as repeatedly boiled water is not recommended by health professionals.
  • If possible, use high-power appliances during off-peak hours. Currently, this is during the night after 11:00 PM.
  • Do not leave electrical devices charging longer than necessary for the battery to charge. This will benefit the devices themselves and reduce your energy consumption.
  • Utilize energy-saving LED bulbs. They consume significantly less electricity compared to incandescent bulbs.

"Energy conservation is not only beneficial for the energy system as a whole but also advantageous for each consumer individually," - notes the regional energy company.

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