Throughout 2024, more than 176,000 children were born in Ukraine. Most were given traditional names, but there were instances where parents showcased their creativity in naming their children. The names given by Ukrainians to their kids are reported by the Ministry of Justice.
According to the agency, the most popular female names for newborn girls included Milana, Solomiya, Anna, Sofia, Maria, Yekaterina, Polina, and Viktoria.
Among the boys, the leading names were Maxim, Bohdan, Artem, Dmytro, Andriy, Mykhailo, Denys, Daniil, Tymofiy, Makar, and Mark.
Additionally, this year the Ministry compiled a selection of unique and rare names that parents chose for their children over the past year.
Among the unusual female names are Barbie, Luna, Flower, Sulamita, Malva Merci, Zvonka, Angela, Ruta, Horynya, Jasmine, Roksolana, Vasilisa, Olympiada, Luna, Flower, Sulamita, Malva, and Doyana. Boys are given names like Panteleimon, Solomon, Tamerlane, Aeneas, Svyatogor, Arnold, Elisha, Dobrynia, Zoreslav, Zorovavel, Yair, Severin, Askold, and Sultan.
It is important to note that according to Ukrainian law, a person who has reached the age of 14 has the right to change their surname and/or first name and/or patronymic with the consent of their parents or guardians. From the age of 16, they can change them at their own discretion.
Let us remind you that an official lost their ability to speak due to the actions of parents who named their twins "strange" names. One child was named Kocaine, while the other was also named Cocaine.