Thursday02 January 2025

The most alcohol-resistant creature has been discovered: 80% ethanol resulted in just 5 minutes of intoxication.

This creature is not particularly large in size.
Обнаружено самое устойчивое к алкоголю существо: 80% этанола вызвали опьянение всего за 5 минут.

Alcohol is not only a costly product but also a toxin for the body. However, not all living beings react to it in the same way.

Scientists have discovered an animal species that is largely unaffected by alcohol, namely the eastern hornet. They not only remain healthy but also do not die when consuming large quantities of alcohol. This information is reported by

A team of behavioral ecologists, zoologists, and plant protection specialists conducted the research. The hornets were exposed to various ethanol solutions. The study was initiated because many plants produce fruits or nectar that tend to ferment, resulting in ethanol formation. Animals and various insects consume these, but they suffer adverse effects, facing difficulties in normal movement or flight.

Eastern hornets, however, do not face such issues at all. They readily consume rotten fruits. Ethanol levels were raised to 20% and even up to 80%. At this concentration, the hornets exhibited signs of intoxication for just a few minutes before quickly returning to their normal behavior.

Researchers note that other creatures could potentially be killed by such high levels of alcohol consumption. It turns out that hornets possess copies of a special gene that enhances their tolerance to ethanol.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported on the discovery of the smallest dinosaur eggs. It remains uncertain who could have laid them. Scientists have made several hypotheses.